Barber Shop Podcast

Terrance Mouth Harp Morgan and Marcus Starr



The Blues have a hold on so much popular music it's impossible to not acknowledge its place as the granddaddy of a lot of offspring the world over. At some point, if you are a musician, you WILL play the blues. Based on patterns and sequences much like folk-art needlework, the blues are stories, told by the author, shared for eternity. Like a whispered sentence buzzing in hushed tones through the room, every connotation and interpretation seamlessly embodying a piece of every crier. Field hollers and call/response cadence served this form of uniquely American music, the deltas and juke joints and speakeasies serving as the churches for these believers. For a century the blues have traveled and morphed. Any music town worth its salt will have a vibrant blues scene, and Hamilton is no exception. There are many great deciles of the blues, each with its own unique flavour - accentuating those southern roots in our own way. Terrance Harp Mouth Brown is a musician who went to school. Not Hard Knox, but Mohawk - wh