Barber Shop Podcast

Hello Harvard



It's truly inspiring when you get reminded that there will always be great lyrics, sweet harmonies and acoustic interplay in music. In the dog-eat-dog world of music there is always a hard row to hoe, and you'd better have your shit together if you're going to take a serious stab at it. No use having your shank break before you hit the vitals, no second chance at a first impressions around here. Hello Harvard is the pairing of Andrew Bontempo and Johnny Pomykacz, their youth, energy and millennial eyed views and personalities working well in and out of the band. They make the kind of music that has a rich tradition of modern, poppy guitar rock ditties with a wry, urbane outlook - a refreshing familiar tonic to the overly processed crop of new talented so feted in the paid content media today. This is something you can sink your teeth in, assuage your appetite and not feel bloated. Clean and neat, there's just enough stubble to make the difference between boys and men, between cynicism and wonderment. Shimm