Barber Shop Podcast

Addicted To Music with Dave Pomfret, George Douglas and Frank Koren



We need stories. Humans have made remarkable strides through our ability to record and learn from stories. Stories educate, entertain and impart wisdom from the thoughts, turned to words that then become books, movies... and songs. Everyone sings about love, perhaps the greatest personal/universal experience of them all, but if you listen, addiction is likely the subject behind almost as many great tunes over the years. Take one moment and consider the sheer number of musical greats we have lost over the past fifty years to overdose and substance abuse and it staggers the mind. Think about the great artists, writers and musicians who have wrung their hearts out, laid bare the perils and shared their stories of the bottle, the needle or the powder and you begin to realize that these ports are merely the canary in the coal mine. Some would argue there is a glorification of the party life within the trade, others that it is merely the trappings, but either way , at some point, the party is over. For some it i