Saturday Night Spook-o-rama

Episode 10 - Son Of Basil Rathboner (1939)



This week, Spook-O-Rama tackles horror films from the legendary high-water year of 1939. The horror hiatus is over, and more spooky cinema awaits! First up we look at the spooooky murder mystery The Hound Of The Baskervilles, the first of the iconic Sherlock Holmes movies starring Basil Rathbone. After the break we take a look at Universal's attempt to reinvigorate their horror movie empire, Son Of Frankenstein. Next week we'll have the first of two episodes in 1940, featuring The Mummy's Hand and The Invisible Man Returns. If you like our podcast and want to help us continue to say spooky words at your ear holes, consider donating to our Patreon!