Robert Budd Sho

RobertBuddSho_Chris Hodgson



Hi All!  Meet my friend Chris the Kiwi! He stayed with me and my wife Lynnzi for 2 weeks during the summer of 2016. To put this into context, we had never met before he stayed with us. It was sight unseen and as it turns out, Kiwi's are really cool down to earth type of people. So it all worked out and while staying with us we got to know each other a little. What intrigued me about Chris is his taste of music and his Athletic ability. The guy has got amazing body control and strength.  He has been a professional Irish Dancer from a very young age (5 I think) and from there got into Break Dancing, Martial Arts, Salsa and Tricking. Tricking is that crazy shit you see those youngsters doing and think to yourself there is no way I am doing  that!!  In this episode we talk a bunch about his passion, dedication and the fact that there isn't any predators on New Zealand (Iknow, random) amongst other fun facts.  Enjoy the Show!