Hollywood Binge

Ep. 13: Better Call Saul, Fargo, The Leftovers, Veep, Kim Wexler & the Royals, American Psycho, Girlboss, Tickled, & MTN: 1984



Show Open (0:00), Brockmire and its connection to Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul (2:00), Binge Viewing vs. Appointment TV (5:00), Five Best (7:15); The Fargo Playbook, Silicon Valley opposite of Entourage?, punishment by view of the men's urinals, Mike McGuyver?, Saul/Bad and the mastering of the montage and scenes that utilizes silence  Scott: 5. The Americans 4. Billions 3. The Leftovers 2. Fargo 1. Better Call Saul  Josh 5. Fargo 4. Silicon Valley 3. Better Call Saul  2.Veep 1. The Leftovers  Girlboss (26:45), Manager's Special (31:00): Tickled, Interstellar, American Psycho, The Prestige, and Queen Sugar, Meet the Nielsens: 1984 (41:13)... TV Ratings, The A Team, Shaking Up, Sam Simon, Duck Factory, Jim Carrey, Dynasty Season Finale plot revealed, Teenage Suicide documentary, Home Theater Sound, Paul Newman reprising role of "Fast" Eddie Felson, Police Academy #1 comedy, Sneak Preview of Sixteen Candles, Steve Perry releases first solo album, HBO gets panned for mini series, Susan Lucci, RIP, Jonathan D