Catechesis With Pope Benedict Xvi

Year of Faith -17- The Temptations of Jesus and conversion to the Kingdom of heaven - Catechesis with Papa Benedetto -Ash Wednesday - Totus2us



Pope Benedict XVI: ".. .. In this time of Lent, in the Year of faith, we renew our commitment on the pathway of conversion, so as to overcome the tendency to close in on ourselves and to make, instead, space for God, looking with his eyes at daily reality. The alternative between the closing in of our egoism and the opening to the love of God and others, we could say corresponds to the alternatives of the temptations of Jesus: the alternative, that is, between human power and love of the Cross, between a redemption viewed solely on material well-being and a redemption as the work of God, to whom we give the primacy in existence. Conversion means not closing in on oneself in the search for one's own success, one's own prestige, one's own position, but making sure that every day, in the little things, truth, faith in God and love become the most important thing." (General Audience, 13 January 2013) Music by Ooberfuse: Credo. Visit for much more.