Juliette's Kitchen

Juliette's Kitchen- Chocolate Smoothie



Hi Welcome to Juliette's Kitchen. Do you ever have those days when you're feeling a bit tired and all you wanted to do is eat junk. Well I'm having of them today. I've got the one year old baby who doesn't sleep very well so sometimes I get quite tired and when I'm tired all I wanna do is eat chocolate. Well there's a way that you can eat chocolate and it not be bad for you so today what I've done is I've made a beautiful chocolate smoothie and it's really hit the spot so how did I make this chocolate smoothie that's ___ well what I did was I used a cup of coconut milk a cup of raw cacao powder and raw cacao powder is filled with magnesium which is great for your heart it also help release a chemical in your brain called anandomine which is a bliss chemical that makes you feel good. It helps with your seratonin levels so raw cacao is so many