Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/14/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



During Thursday night's debate candidates should just be themselves, stand on their own record and not focus on the other guy. Americans should watch out for those who prefer to attack instead of talk. What do they have to have to hide? Also, It is clear now that the Bush dynasty and allies will not support Donald Trump if he is the nominee. Conservatives have won primaries fair and square and then the Republican establishment fails to support them, so we need to be watchful or they'll back the Democrat. While the establishment doesn't like Trump, they especially hate Ted Cruz because supports the Constitution and stands up to them. The left, who also is against Cruz, recently attacked him for not disclosing a loan to himself. The same NY Times that covers up for President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Americans should note that big banks and Wall Street bailouts are not the same as taking a loan out; it's common sense. Finally, climate change is a fraudulent agenda that is driven by the left and the De-growth m