Various Breads And Butters

94: The Interns Host the Show



The show has guest hosts. Recent graduates and esteemed interns Will “Madison Square” Gordon and Ian “Code” Morse take the mics to interview very special guests B.R. Cohen and Simon Tonev. Isn’t that something. And Michelle is there to produce it for us. There’s still a quiz, they still ask the 10/20/30 question, and they even fashion a variation of Fri/Sun. Eagle eyed and/or bat-eared listeners will notice we lost an episode (93), which is the first time that’s happened since the heartbreaking loss of Eps 1-42. But we manage. Please allow our extra double thanks to Will and Ian for all their interning gravitas over the past year and sincere congratulations on their election to emeritus status, now Playlist Intern Emeritus and Fact Check Intern Emeritus. They want you to follow us on twitter @somelaterdate, like us on Fb, follow us on Spotify, rate us on iTunes, and subscribe. Credit to Fred Wesley and Colin Hay.