Ethics-talk: The Greatest Good Of Man Is Daily To Converse About Virtue

The NCAA: A Monolithic Cartel of Private Justice?



Socrates said that talking about virtue and the good life is one of the most important things a human being can do. That's where "Ethics-Talk" fits in. Housed in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Central Michigan University (CMU), The Center for Professional and Personal Ethics brings you discussions about ethical issues, both pure and applied. For us at EthicsTalk -- "ethics" is broad and encompasses things that affect a human being's flourishing. To that end, students working with the Center discuss ethics-related topics such as academic integrity, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and cultivating self-regulation and other powerful habits. Additionally, we discuss study and motivational strategies related to intimidating endeavors such as studying for the bar exam. We are also very interested in how technology can either promote or hinder flourishing and discuss "media ecology" issues including the thought of Walter Ong and the concept of "digital virtue". In addition to our student produced show, scholars, authors and practitioners (such as Michael Strong, Anya Kamenetz, Lindsay Hyde and Thomas Farrell, Jeff Wirth, Ginger Campbell. Kirsten Lodal (founder of LIFT) and Dr. Jeffrey Wigand) discuss ethics related issues with the Center's Director. To learn more about the Center, visit us at and follow us on twitter at