FOCUS in Sound

Interview with the Chen-Plotkins



On this edition of FOCUS In Sound, we welcome a married couple of researchers, both of whom have been recipients of Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant support – Doctors Alice Chen-Plotkin and Joshua Plotkin. Of course, one of the major challenges in a scientific career is an ability to balance the demands of work life and home and family life, and you can multiply those challenges when you have two active scientific careers going on in one family. Add in a couple of kids to make it even more interesting, and you’ll see why the Plotkins’ story is downright inspirational. Both Alice and Josh conduct fascinating, valuable research, which we will hear about, and at the same time they’ve made it all work without compromise. Dr. Alice Chen-Plotkin is an assistant professor of neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Alice specializes in research on neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Parkinson’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. She was awarded a Burroughs W