Kootenai Church Adult Sunday School

Reformation Q&A



Questions regarding the Reformation answered by the elders of Kootenai Church--Jim Osman, Dave Rich, Jess Whetsel, and Cornel Rasor. Some of the questions asked in no particular order: Are Christians other than elders allowed to baptize other believers? In what context should baptisms be performed? What is the Catholic belief of "Patron Saints"? What happens to leftover Communion? How do you answer the charge that Protestants have their own bloody history to account for? How does Rome deal with their bloody history in their persecution of Protestants? What about the charge that Christians participated in the crusades? Today Roman Catholics would not consider “anathema” to be anything more than excommunication but not condemnation. Why do you make the claim that it is condemnation? Is anyone attending the Catholic Church going to Heaven? What is biblical baptism vs. covenantal baptism?