Well And Weird With Holly Lowery - Improving Your Relationship With Food & Your Body Via Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity

46. On the links between perfectionism, dieting, ED recovery & how to embrace the IMperfection



In this solo segment, Holly is addressing some of the links between perfectionistic tendencies & eating disorder recovery. She digs deep into why it's so important to embrace the IMperfection and messiness of our lives and recovery processes, because in that imperfect space is where we grow, learn, expand and heal.  Tune in for holly's advice on how to step away from our perfectionistic tendencies so that we can create more space for joy, pleasure, love, connection and personal growth. Resources mentioned: Sign up for Holly's Newsletter for bi-weekly recovery coaching Follow Holly on instagram for a behind the scenes look & healing and recovery Find more details on the Well + Weird Clubhouse & get on the early-bird list Register for the '5 secrets for self care that sticks' webinar Pledge to be a warrior for Circles of Change and use the code: WELLANDWEIRD for 10% off at checkout!