Sales Heroes

Michael Mesa: LOL! Leading Out Loud



Recently, I sat down with Michael Mesa, of Fairway Independent Mortgage. He had some valuable thoughts on leadership and helping teams become a driving force. What does Michael know about leadership? At the age of 17, he joined the army, after having a difficult youth. He found leaders who were willing to pour into him because they saw something that he did not even see in himself. Here are a few lessons I picked up from the my time with Michael. True leaders see you, not for who you are, but for who you can become. People are more discretionary with their effort and attention now more than ever. Gone are the days of do this "because I'm the boss and I said so." When you connect with someone in the struggle for their purpose and passion, you create a bond that ignites exponential effort. Leaders do what is right, because it needs to be done. They don't wait on others to make it so. Leaders go first. That's it, plain and simple. When a leader does what is right because it is right, it attracts others who belie