Money, Abundance & You ~ Shelli Speaks

What’s Your Level of Intimacy with Money? ~ Shelli Speaks



Money, Abundance & You with Shelli Speaks Radio Show Intimacy is a state of vulnerability that allows you to be completely open to giving and receiving money without judgment. ~ More About Money, Abundance & You with Shelli Speaks ~  Shelli Speaks has had over 25 years of experience changing her own financial reality as a single mom with a poverty consciousness, which wasn’t fun at all, into something that she now enjoys. She’s also helped others by teaching them that they have more choices than they realize and showing them how to create a financial reality that works for them. Shelli has helped people all over the world learn that they are not stuck in their financial situation, that they can change anything and that creating abundance in all things is a lot easier than you may currently think. Shelli teaches her clients to take responsibility for their lives, which then allows them to create beyond their wildest dreams. What’s possible for your