

Tonight we insert our fists into the colon of a Human Resource Manager and get his head out of his ass! Listen as we take apart Nintendo's E3 presentation.  Scott also gives us a SHOCKING confession as his torrid past with fraud and murder comes back to haunt in the most surprising way.Well that doesn't happen but there's a lot of good music this time.  Lot's of Patrick Stump.  You should go get that album.  And make love to it.  Hey the CD has a hole in the middle you want me to draw you a diagram or what?Today's Episode is brought to you by your guilty conscience.  He says hi and let's hang out this weekend.I'm just kidding Scott.  You have no torrid past with anything.  You are a man of rainbows.Brad there is a piece of chicken toast with our names on it buddy....let's go get it.Jer there is this thing called "Steam" I want to introduce you to.  Seems they have a lot of games...Ben sticks and stones may break my bones but charts bore the fuck out of me.Sloppy Ki