Brashear Baptist Church Podcast

The Two Hardest Prayers to Pray



Subject: Sunday Morning Sermon Speaker or Performer: Brother David Burns Scripture Passage(s): Luke 23:34 Date of Delivery: September 10, 2017 Father forgive them for they know not what they do.Today Brother David points out that each one of us has hurt someone sometime in ourlife and describes the two hardest prayers to pray:1. To ask for forgiveness, and to truly forgive someone: Points out how we are tormenting ourselves when we refuse to forgive someone and gives us examples of how we can overcome.2. God be merciful to me as a sinner: Points out how some of us just don't believe we deserve forgiveness because we actually refuse to forgive ourselves, and offers ways we can gain the strength to deal with this very serious issue.Today is a message each one of us can benefit from by listening to thistime and time again, for we all stuggle with these - The Two Hardest Prayers to Pray.