Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Transmuting the Sacred Elements with Crone Woman Energy



In this audio, I'm talking about how we can transmute the Sacred Elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth to form a holy quadrant of energies that allows us to better understand Crone (Wise Woman) Energy within us. To work more intimately with the Sacred Elements and 7 points of direction, check out my Shamanic Reiki Medicine Wheel Healing Journey here: http://traffic.libsyn.com/abundantintuitive/Shamanic20Reiki20Medicine20Wheel20and20Healing20Journey.mp3 Want to better understand and embody Crone Wisdom energy in your life right now? No matter what stage you're at in life, Crone Goddess has valuable insight for you right now on your path of Ascension. This time of Mercury Retrograde coupled with the energy of the waning moon powerfully enhances your gift of inner knowing and lends itself to deeper levels of reflection, introspection and soul excavation. This time is perfect for gathering your resources, penetrating deeper levels of consciousness to explore what no longer serves and to illuminate your True Self