Jefferson Liberty Radio

July 21st, 2018: Where Has Our Society Gone?



We talk about where our society has gone in California and our nation as a whole with our special guest Donald Babadalir. Upcoming events July 28th: Mariposa townhall at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds. Please note, this location has changed since we recorded. The new address is 5007 Fairgrounds Rd, Mariposa, CA. David Titchnell will still be the main speaker and the doors open at 6pm. July 25th: Eric Eisenhammer from Howard Jarvis Taxypayer's Association July 27th - July 28th: Valley Home Educators. SCC/SOJ will have a booth at VHE. Come see us! July 13th - July 22nd: Stanislaus County Fair. Come find Rudy. He’ll be there on one of the Sundays and one of the Saturdays, so make sure you keep an eye out for him! August 1st: Disaster training with Dave Ofwano August 15th: Donald Babadalir will be speaking to us at Grizzly Rock Cafe about what’s happening in America September 5th: Guest speakers Amy Bublak & Shannon Sanford will be speaking at Grizzly Rock Cafe Don’t forget to look out for our local events