Rawkin Radio

Revvell Chats with Raw Food Chef and Author, Frank Giglio



In this interview we speak with Frank about his training, experience, how long he’s been “cheffing”; why and how he went from the usual culinary path to vegetarian and raw. We chatted about his running experience, cross-training, diet and more. Also, his new book is out, “Raw for All” which you can purchase on his website. Frank’s Blog See Frank (and myself) at Raw Spirit Festival in Santa Barbara the first weekend of June. Enjoy this episode of, Rawkin’ Radio! Revvell The post Revvell Chats with Raw Food Chef and Author, Frank Giglio appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed. The post Revvell Chats with Raw Food Chef and Author, Frank Giglio appeared first on Rawkin Radio » Podcast Feed.