Simply Abundant Intuitive

Journey of Attachment: There is No Crystal Ball, Road Map or Guarantee



A lot of people who are insecure about their situation want to predict the future. They want to know what to expect so they are prepared. If this is you, perhaps you turn to friends, psychics, therapists, etc. to assure you everything will be ok. But why? Where does this stem from. Yep, your good old friend fear: fear of loss, fear of surrender (letting go of control), fear of judgment, fear of the unknown, etc. If you know the outcome to something, you think you can strategize the steps to get there, which is much more comforting than moving forward into the unknown. But trying to predict the future robs you of the present. If you’re in a relationship and want your partner to commit, you may cling to a fantasy future together… maybe it’s a future someone told you would happen. But then you start to cherry-pick your partner’s words and actions to support this fantasy while disregarding the rest. You think you’re working toward this outcome, but it’s by force and not necessarily based in reality. It’s ok to w