The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #26: How to Be Real and Authentic Even When Life Changes Course with Carrie Fabris



Raise your hand if you've ever been daunted by the question: "What is your purpose in life?" Uhhhh... what?! Are you telling me I just have to have one purpose in life?! And only one?! And I have to figure it out now?! What if I don't get it right... Is it possible for me to miss it completely?! I get the shakes just thinking about that question. It wasn't until several years of battling with that question, several failed attempts at labeling my career and profession, and several sleepless nights wondering if I would die purposeless... that I decided to abandon this question completely and opt for an entirely new one. I think the idea of defining your life's purpose in one way or one word or one calling is a bit ridiculous. Our life's purpose changes all the time based on our current circumstances. So, in honor of that dynamic-ness that is life on this Earth, I decided to go with the following question instead: "What is my purpose in life... right now?" Right now... your purpose could be being the best daught