The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #21: Defining Success for Yourself and Asking for What You Want with Mimi Zheng



Can you imagine being an immigrant to a foreign nation? Perhaps some of you know exactly what this feels like. You leave your home-- everything that is comfortable and familiar-- and you travel thousands of miles to a completely new place. Everything is different. The sites. The sounds. The food. The people. The routines. The schools. The homes. The culture. Most especially, the culture. Everything that was once held dear is now questioned. Perhaps you came from the kind of place that values family above all else and moved to a place that places the individual on a pedestal. Or maybe you were raised to live with your family until you were married, but now everyone around you is living in apartments alone or cohabitating with significant others. Or what if your clothing was an expression of your reverence to your family and you go to a school where everyone is wearing tube tops... I'm not even going to TOUCH religious or political differences. Millions of Americans endure this type of out-of-country-out-of-bod