The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #19: 7 Proven Strategies for Starting Anything New with Tracy Timm



You could 100% do my job. No, I'm being serious. At the risk of making myself or my work sound dumb (oh well!), I'll just say this-- this business is not rocket science! I'm sure it looks like "I have it all together" or "I was destined for this" or even "I had a head start," but here's the real deal Holyfield, and potentially a not-so-earth-shattering secret: I. Am. Just. Like. You. I am just like you. I wake up in the morning and have bad breath. I crave chocolate. I'm wildly unorganized. I get in fights with my boyfriend about how slowly he pumps gas. I have succumbed to a 6-hour binge-watching session of One Tree Hill. I've been fired from a job that I hated. I'm afraid of bugs. I am not a superhero. But I am a fast learner. So here's the secret to my "success" (remember, "success" should only be defined by you!!): Take action. Learn quickly. Make changes. Take more action. Rinse and repeat. There's honestly not much more to it than that. Trust me... you can even ask my mom. I was recently honored as one