Well And Weird With Holly Lowery - Improving Your Relationship With Food & Your Body Via Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity

56. The truth about self care, and why it's so damn important through eating disorder recovery



We’re back with another solo episode! The first of the season, where I’m sharing some of my most crucial beliefs about self care through the recovery process. I truly believe that one of the most crucial, foundational parts of sustainable recovery is self care. But not just the bubble bath, self-pampering kind of self care (that’s all great, but…) I’m talking self care that is about tuning in to your needs, being with yourself for long enough to know how you need to be supported, and tapping into your senses in order to come back to the present moment. This may seem a little abstract right now, but I promise the episode goes in deep about all of this and more, and will leave you feeling ready to put some energy back into yourself, in the most gentle of ways. Resources mentioned: Curious about working with me? Learn more about 1-on-1 coaching here Follow me on Instagram for more anti-dieting, intuitive eating behind-the-scenes Make sure to get on that newsletter for access to the vault!