Simply Abundant Intuitive

Why Is Compassion So Hard?



Compassion is such a nice word but it’s hard to do, especially when you have an attachment to your judgmental feelings. Compassion isn’t about giving away your power. It’s not feeling sorry for someone and it’s not excusing or accepting poor behavior. It’s a state of grace that comes from love. When you practice compassion, you understand other people are flawed with their own patterns and negative beliefs, so you can allow them to be who they are. It’s similar to love in that you must have it for yourself in order to have it for others. Self-righteousness is much easier than compassion. When someone is defensive or avoids or creates their own misery, telling them what they are doing wrong may feel good in the moment, but it won’t last. Saying, “I don’t agree with you, but I understand you’re hurting and I’m here for you” is compassionate. It’s open and vulnerable and yep… it’s tough. Compassion doesn’t mean you condone someone’s thoughts or actions; it’s simply being there for them and understanding they ha