Aaron Capener

How I Do My T Shot | Testosterone Shot Tutorial FTM



How I Do My T Shot | FTM Testosterone Injections For A More Step By Step Tutorial Visit My Article Here: https://bit.ly/2o4naHY Here's A Great Trans Owned Company For Shot Equipment Storage https://www.stealthbrosco.com/ ----- This Is How I Do My T Shot: How To Inject Your Testosterone Shot (Intramuscular) At first, the thought of administering a testosterone shot weekly at my home was scary. It gave me anxiety and I wasn't sure if it was the correct path of HRT for me. Once I took the leap and decided it was the best course of action, it worked out for me. The first testosterone shot at home was intimidating especially because my girlfriend was giving me my shots and it was both of our anxiety we had to battle. But once we did it the first time, we got more and more used to how I do my t shot. Now, it is a weekly task we are able to knock out pretty quickly and I'm so thankful for it.