Pain Waves

Brief Action Planning: A tool to set meaningful goals for your health



A new year can often be seen as a source for inspiration, whether it be a change in personal habits, setting new goals or refocusing our attention on certain aspects of our lives. On today’s episode of the Pain Waves podcast, we’re joined by Connie Davis from the Centre for Collaboration Motivation and Innovation to talk about brief action planning (BAP), a self-management support technique that uses a structured step-by-step process to help people set realistic goals and make concrete action plans for their health and wellbeing. If you’re living with pain and would like to set goals for managing your pain, this episode will provide good foundational knowledge, tips and free resources to help you get started. Resources highlighted in this episode: LivePlanBe resources- Online self-assessment and BAP: resources- BAP general page: Printable BAP guide: