Tete & Espresso

tips for Productivity - The One Thing - Wednesday - 081



Try brushing your teeth and tying your shoes at the same time...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe...It is impossible to do 2 things at one time as well as doing each one with full focus. 10 things can be done with focusing on one thing at a time. Not answering the text from that cutie who just texted me..Hey baby mmmmm!! It’s happening to me right now as I’m getting ready to record this podcast. Did you know if I broke my concentration, it could take up to 45 minutes for my mind to fully be engaged again. I refuse to look at that beautiful picture she just sent me with that purple smiling devil face emoji. Doing one thing at a time..I’ll respond after recording...Don’t tell her...But you are my priority right now. I focus on one task at a time, and once completed, I move to the next. Then focus fully on that one task until I complete it, then...take a 20-30 minute walk around the block..Then concentrate on the next task...All of our concentration goes to our one thing we are doi