Tete & Espresso

Tips for Productivity - Batching - Monday - 080



Did you just call me a bitch..oh you said “batch”...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Let’s make your life way more productive after this week...Here we go Batch... Batching is where we take our actions or to-do’s, and using 3 appointments for example, where you drive to meet people during the week. If you set a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday appointment for 1pm..Yes you would have 3 total hours of meeting time...How much time did it take to get ready for the appointment, showering and getting ready? Maybe 45 minutes we’ll call it...Now take off 1 hour and 30 minutes of total time spent because you only have to get ready once. And because it takes 10 minutes to go from one appointment to the next in the same day, instead of 25 minutes one way, 3 times a week...Cutting 2 & 1/2 driving hours down to 1 hour and 10 minutes..you saved a total time, with getting ready and driving, of 2 hours and 10 minutes..wow...Batch a few more things, and you can have an extra 4 - 10 hours throug