Tete & Espresso

You have value - I feel your pain, this is my message to you - Monday



Que vale te tienes..What value you have...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. I’v been sparked inside hearing of so many being hurt, or hurting themselves, for being different..and that’s why I want to feel, and say to you.... You have sooooooooooooooooooooo much value to me, to the world. If you seriously made a list of 10 traits as to why you are un-valuable, you could scratch off the “un” in front of un-valuable, so it just says ‘Valuable!” ..Please listen to me ..please!..The fact that you are so “different” is why we need you in the world. You are the spice in the food of life. You are my life...You have so much value to me.......You have sooooo much value I could break down a list, maybe I will in the next podcast, of all the things that make you special, that society thinks is not...Well no one is special on Earth, in my opinion, and it’s not about building you “up” to societies value, or “Taking people down a peg or two, to bring them to normal...It’s that the people who own