Tete & Espresso

Bad Attitude - Ghetto Bitch + Annoying Awe Meey'aaan Guy



Awe Hell nah, awe mey’aaaan ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Both of these examples of people are recognizable, and create stress for everyone. “Y’all know what she said to me?”..as the anxiety in our chest builds...”Awee meey’aaan this is so hard.” as you feel the weight he is putting on you, and you want to run away... Did you know that complaining is actually addictive to your brain. The neurons literally crave that stimulation and you start doing it more. That’s why you know these people who seem to always be like that. “Girl I’m gonna tell you how much that girl pissed me off.” interrupt her and say, “Baby stop, I want you to be happy, tell me something else.” ...or Awe Meey’aaan..say “Wait, before you say that, what the happiest thing in your life?” ...aaaand the walk away as fast as you can..peace i understand that my job is to interrupt the pattern people around me are doing, for their own happiness, and mine. Both the guy and the girl in these examples are not bad, o