Giant Size

One-Shot 3: Sentient Dough



Captain America gets a lot of Avengers Middle Management Work done! The Red Skull has (consensual) sex with a lady in a hot tub (how does she kiss him?)! Thor (Eric Masterson) is put on probation! Red Skull’s ancestral family house…drips dough! * Have you rated and reviewed the show in iTunes? Recommended episodes in Overcast? Sent us a feedback email? Promoted the show on social media or supported our sponsors? You could be the Giant Size Fan of the Show of the Month and win a box full of various comics including  Captain America #395! * Their first ad doesn't run until next week, but you can get $5 off of your first month of Comic Bento using the offer code GIANTSIZE at checkout. This is a great way to bribe your way to Fan of the Show of the Month, for what it's worth.