Voices Of Courage

037: The Courage to Take Care of Your Health



Today we discuss having the courage to make impactful investments in our health and relationships.   Tomorrow is New Year's Eve which means that millions of people are going to make resolutions, only to break them shortly after. Making New Year's resolutions is a positive thing, but we need to have an actual strategy in place to keep us on track and in alignment for success. Otherwise, we inevitably set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. My first guest, Eva Vennari, is the founder of The Elevate Institute, a cutting-edge health coaching firm specializing in empowering individuals to take charge of their bodies and their health. She is on a mission to dismantle the status quo in the sickness industry by helping others understand exactly what's going on in their bodies. Eva shares what she's found to be a better investment than the stock market for great results as the fool-proof method for knowing what our bodies need to heal and feel rejuvenated. She provides insight and resources that can help each