Voices Of Courage

024: The Courage to Untether Your Soul



Today we discuss the courage to untether our souls and explore a more conscious and powerful way of living.   How many of us have forgotten who we really are? A lot of us live in a place where we have forgotten what we can actually accomplish in this world and how powerful we truly are. If there's anything that defines the 21st century, it's uncertainty. We're uncertain about who we are, what we can do, and how we can tap into the right mindset to achieve success and growth. Are you craving a more natural, spiritual, or balanced life? Maybe you’ve been exploring a more conscious way of living and bringing out your soul qualities of intuition, wisdom, power, and strength. This show is not just about us expanding our presence, it's also about deciding who we are in this world and how we can tune into the power within ourselves. My first guest, Kirsten Asher, is the founder of the FEMethod (Feminine Embodiment Method) and an expert on feminine presence and power. She shares insightful information about how we ca