Tete & Espresso

Your Happy Place - Living where you want - Wednesday



Sweet home Manhattan...I mean..Sweet home Hawaii..I mean...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Today there is nothing woo woo magical happening. It’s step by step logic. 1 year from now you could live in your perfect location. You have the time to save, to plan, to start small cleaning and packing, and giving away cloths and stuff. Time to hunt, time to scan online for what’s realistic but still fun and exciting. All of it can be done within one year. Sure maybe not saving for a down payment in 1 year, but definitely enough for a first and last month rent, with a security deposit. You can do it. Live anywhere you have wanted to live. The next city over, 10 cities over, next to water, mountains, closer to work..Or your dream, crazy good wild dream location...Knowing that you only live once...  Wow I am excited visualizing my perfect living area, and it’s more exiting knowing that it is my reality. You can now allow yourself to day dream, to feel good, to smile thinking of your ha