Tete & Espresso

Get back up - Try Again - Wednesday



Dust yourself off and try again, you can dust it off and try again, try again…Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a Castbox original, I’m TeTe. Life is so short, right now, right now, you can pick yourself up and keep going. I believe in you so much. All that sssshhht we have ever learned, all of it, about anything being possible is true, all of it. It’s so worth it. Not getting there, but going there. Picking yourself up right now will be part of the joy, looking back on it. You picking yourself back up now was one of the most pivotal decisions you could have made. And you made it…The journey..is the joy..The destination is so we make decisions in our journey that are lined up…Lined up with the best us..Now keep going…Get up. Dududududust yourself off and try again, mix those special emotions to blend, keep going amigo and friend, cosmic support sent from heaven. Get back up. We command the subconscious mind, the more we dig, the more find, ditch the spoon for a shovel, and we soon realize all we must do is go r