Shattered Conception

3. Mindfulness in the Therapeutic Process with Elizabeth Winkler, MFT



Elizabeth Winkler, MFT incorporates mindfulness and meditation in her therapy work to help accelerate her client’s productivity, personal growth, ability to create better personal relationships and deepening the therapeutic process exponentially. Elizabeth calls mindfulness the “bullet train to freedom.” She works in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles with individuals, couples and families. Two years ago Elizabeth founded and created a mindfulness process called “Heart Surgery”. She has taught the Heart Surgery process to many children around the nation, and recently brought Heart Surgery to Sierra Leone, Africa for Tiffany Person’s nonprofit organization, Shine On Sierra Leone. Additionally, Elizabeth has provided therapy on BRAVO and OWN Oprah’s Network, and is a featured blogger on Laura Wasser’s divorce platform, IT’s Over Easy, and has brought her mindfulness teachings into classrooms, homes, to athletes across the country, mothers, children. Elizabeth shares her struggle with her own postpartum experiences a