Shattered Conception

2. Sound Frequencies as "Medicine" with Elizabeth Krasnoff, M.A.



Elizabeth W. Szatmari-Krasnoff, MA is currently in the Ph.D. program of Transformative Studies with a focus in Consciousness Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her current inquiry is to study the effect of sound on self-regulation of the autonomic nervous system. She is a certified Energy Healer through the Academy of Intuition Medicine Master Certification Program (MIM), and has a Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate from the Globe Institute. Additionally, she completed her training with the Heartmath Institute. Her masters degree is in Depth Psychology and Mythology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute. She was diagnosed at a young age with 50% hearing loss and has experienced the grief of two miscarriages after the birth of her son.   Elizabeth has found music and sound frequencies incredibly healing emotionally, physically and spiritually. She calls music the "language of consciousness". Music, sound, thoughts and emotion are processed in the same part of our brain - by using music