Shattered Conception

1. The Healing Benefits of Hypnotherapy with Amy Budden, C.Ht.



Amy Budden is the founder of Connect The Mind ( and a certified hypnotherapist and meditation teacher. Amy uses scientifically validated techniques based in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), along with music, sound and light frequencies, to effortlessly train the brain to relax the body and reset the nervous system. Her particular way of incorporating music and hypnotherapy heals the body and the mind to achieve greater states of heart coherence and positive emotions.   Amy's technique is known as the "magic nap" because she teaches a meditation state that is a deep dive without much effort. She also shares her personal story using meditation to help her cope with the devastating experience of having 8 miscarriages before her youngest daughter was born. She is an invaluable resource for women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and helping to improve egg quality and implantation results. Currently, she has several clients over the age of 45 using their own eggs for IVF!