Tete & Espresso

Gallup Poll - All-Stars - Absolutely Play favorites - Wednesday



Hey now you’re an all-star (wickawicka) Hey now you’re an all-star (wickawicka) Hey now you’re an all-star (wickawicka)... Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. The people that are excelling at what they do, are talented, and thriving. Unless of a tough life occurrence that might be affecting someone’s work, the person who is struggling could be better off doing something that are more talented in, as apposed to building what they are not naturally... When you have an all-star, spend more time and energy building that all-star. If your plan is to go to the moon, there is someone ready, right now to go there...aaand yes, this applies to all areas of yours, and their lives. Notice the ones that are ready for your love. Notice the ones that are vulnerable. Notice the ones that are ready to take action on their goals. Notice the achiever. There she is! The shining example for the rest of us! How can I help her be even more great in her strengths? I have the best idea how!!...I will ask her