Knerds Around A Table

Episode 175 - Captain Marvel Review



Nicholas Wyman, Tyler Ray and Justin Ykema in studio for our review of the newest edition to the MCU... Captain Marvel. Does Brie Larson hold her own in Marvel's first female lead film? Or does this women empowering milestone fall flat? Lots of news today as well including; Alex Trebek; Arrow cancellation; Nintendo VR; PS4 Remote Play; Star Trek: Destiny; Critical Role's Kickstarter; Netflix's Daredevil; Disney+; Galaxy's Edge release date; Wrath: Aeon of Ruin; Cobra Kai Season 2; EA @ E3; Aladdin trailer; Stranger Things3 trailer; Shang-Chi director; Batman vs TMNT; Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular; Forrest Gump remake; Harry Potter Pokemon Go; Dragon Ball Super; Toy Story 4; Stadia; Into the Spiderverse Alternate Universe; Game of Thrones/Star Wars Prequel; and James Gunn is back on Guardians 3!!!