Tete & Espresso

No Competition - Mmmmmm Hmmmmm - Monday



I see you Sister, I see you Brother. You are my equals..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Change your lens in your glasses. It’s better than polarized. When you put on those slick looking shades, the new pair, you see that everyone could have been your best friends growing up, if you had only been neighbors. You’ll see that they have similar desires, and are want to leave the feeling of fear behind. These cool glasses give you the vision in others, how you would ultimately like to view yourself.......(Long pause...At the last note say) The glasses are how you view yourself. Isn’t it funny how these new glasses take away the skin color in people. The religious wrap around their heads? The skin tight mini skirt? The glasses seem to wipe away the physical attraction, or “ugliness” in people. These glasses give you the lens to see the world. Your world.. (repeat) You are me and I am you, we are one world. Subscribe to this TeTe & Espresso Blog www.TeTeEspresso.com