Shattered Conception

7. Infertility and PTSD with Joanna Flemons, LCSW, CPC



My guest is licensed psychotherapist, certified professional coach and author Joanna Flemons. Joanna's book is titled, Infertility and PTSD: The Uncharted Storm. She has worked in healthcare for nearly two decades and has a clinical specialty in reproductive trauma, grief counseling and infertility counseling. She has a private practice in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Infertility affects one in eight couples, causing widespread grief, anxiety, and stress affecting both women and men. One-third of infertility is attributed to male factor; another one-third to female factor; and the remainder from both and unexplained factors. Increasingly, research indicates that certain experiences during infertility can trigger or exacerbate post traumatic stress disorder. Joanna Flemons explains the complex relationship between PTSD and infertility, and offers proven techniques and strategies for reducing trauma symptoms and loosening the powerful grip of PTSD. Telephone: (720) 530-9518 Email: Website: