Idle Conversations

Ambiguous Loss & Grief - Dealing with Loss of a Loved One Who is Still Here



In this Idle Conversations series on Grief, Julia shares her story of losing her father through Ambiguous Loss, a state whereby people are physically present, but psychologically absent.  They are ‘here, but not here.’  As in Julia's case, ambiguous loss related to her fathers gradual decline into mental illness.  The language of grief need not be reserved for just the dead, but it is easier to understand it that way. It is more rational. In a state of ambiguous loss, people feel that they can’t rightfully grieve because although it feels like a loss, it isn’t really one.  Yet here she was, having occupied a grief filled, ambiguous inbetween space, without even being aware of its existence. Julia discusses openly how she is making sense of and coping with her grief.  You can also read her written story, by logging onto the website