Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Seeking perfection stifles progress



Seeking perfection stifles your progress: It leads to self-criticism.When you fall short of a goal, the battle in your mind begins and you beat yourself up over it instead of looking at the goals you did reach, you are focused on the goals you didn’t or instead of focusing on the things you did right, you are focused on the things you fell short on. It prevents you from being open to new ideas. Have you ever noticed those people on your job who say, we do it this way because we’ve always done it this way? They had “perfected” that one way, and that leads to fear of trying something new – being open to new ideas. You have a difficult time adapting to change. It keeps you stagnate. It prevents you from moving forward. Seeking perfection is just like analysis by paralysis. You become so obsessed with doing things perfect until you are literally not moving forward. It makes you concerned with what others think of you. People who constantly seek perfection often worry about what others think of them. They are seek