
Lauren Bahr - Simply Balanced Wellness | Leap Ep.3



In this episode, I talked with Lauren Bahr, founder of Simply Balanced Wellness. Lauren founded her coaching practice as a result of a personal health crash several years ago. She was overtired, overspent, and overworked focused on caring for her two young children and husband and neglecting to take good care of herself. As a busy mom and wife with a full-time career, she was spent. Focusing on the needs of everyone around her and not being focused on filling her own cup, she hit a wall. It was during that introspection as she healed herself that she realized there was another avenue, another pathway. She began to investigate the effects of nutrition on your whole-body wellness. Her journey led her down the path of integrative nutrition and Simply Balanced Wellness was born. To learn more, you can visit her website at simplybalancedwellness.com ---- To learn more about Leap, the podcast and coaching services, please join us on our LEAP Facebook page at facebook.com/whatsyourleap Schedule a Discovery Cal