Unleash Your Full Potential With Eyal

How to Surrender to Your Man- A Poem



Aren’t you tired of making all the decisions, of having so many responsibilities, of needing to keep it all together? Wouldn’t you love to be led and guided, at least sometimes? Aren’t you secretly yearning to surrender to your man? Surrender. Maybe you want to surrender. But you don’t know how to. Where’s the button you press to surrender? Perhaps you want to surrender, but you’re afraid. Afraid to get hurt. Afraid to get rejected. Afraid to open your heart and be laughed at. Afraid to be dissapointed. Afraid he wouldn’t step up. Afraid he would mess up. Afraid to be vulnerable. Afraid. Afraid. Afraid. I hear you. To get the full lyrics and read similar articles, visit: www.intimatepower.com/how-to-surrend…r-to-your-man/