G.i. Joe: A Real American Headcast

Bravo Team Episode 1: The Vehicles from 1983



Hey Joes. Here we have the long awaited, secondary G.I. Joe podcast... Bravo Team. This show will look at anything not related to the Real American Hero comic book series. Roll call this month: Pat Sampson Codename: Kristatos - Twitter @Kristatos01 Jarrod Alberich Codename: Death Probe - Twitter @yardsaleartist and http://whiterocketbooks.com This month, we're going to continue where we left off with the December episode and look at the vehicles that came out in 1983. Write in to BravoTeam@headspeaks.com and we'll read your letter on the air! Take a listen and let us know what you think. You can visit us on the web at http://gijoe.headspeaks.com On Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, we can be found by searching for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast Pat Sampson is at: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/ Jarrod Alberich is on Twitter at: @yardsaleartist Follow Jarrod at whiterocketbooks.com Let me know what you think of this new show! Yo Joe!